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Férey N, Gros P.-E., Hérisson J., Gherbi R..  2005.  Immersive graph-based visualization and exploration of biological data relationships. Data Sci. J.. 4:189–194.
Férey N, Delalande O., Grasseau G., Baaden M.  2008.  A VR Framework for Interacting with Molecular Simulations. Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM-VRST 2008). :91–94.
Férey N, Toffano-Nioche C, Matte-Taillez O, Gherbi R, Turner W.  2007.  REVIVOS: REalité VIrtuelle pour la construction de VOcabulaires Spécialisés. Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (AFIA-IC 2007).
Férey N.  2006.  Exploration Immersive de Données Génomiques Textuelles et Factuelles : vers une approche par Visual Mining.
Férey N, Delalande O., Grasseau G., Baaden M.  2008.  From Interactive to Immersive Molecular Dynamics. Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS 08 - Eurographics). :89–96.
Férey N, Gros P.-E., Hérisson J., Gherbi R..  2004.  Exploration by visualization of numerical and textual genomic data. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry. 4:102–110.
Férey N, Bouyer G., Martin C., Bourdot P., Nelson J., Burkhardt andJM.  2008.  User Needs Analysis to Design a 3D Multimodal Protein-Docking Interface. Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2008 (3DUI 2008 - IEEE). :125–132.
Férey N, Gros P.-E., Hérisson J., Gherbi R..  2004.  A Distributed Multimedia Database Visualization within An Immersive Environment for Bioinformatics. International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (ISMSE 2004 - IEEE). :156–159.
Férey N, Gherbi R..  2006.  Visual Mining for Microarray Knowledge Discovery. International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA 2006 - IEEE).
Fiorin G, Klein ML, Hénin J.  2013.  Using collective variables to drive molecular dynamics simulations. Mol. Phys.. 111:3345–3362.
Fleishman SJ, Whitehead TA, Strauch E-M, Corn JE, Qin S, Zhou H-X, Mitchell JC, Demerdash ONA, Takeda-Shitaka M, Terashi G et al..  2011.  Community-wide assessment of protein-interface modeling suggests improvements to design methodology.. J. Mol. Biol.. 414:289–302.
Floquet N, Pasco S, Ramont L, Derreumaux P, Laronze JY, Nuzillard JM, Maquart FX, Alix AJP, Monboisse JC.  2004.  The antitumor properties of the alpha 3(IV)-(185-203) peptide from the NC1 domain of type IV collagen (tumstatin) are conformation-dependent. J. Biol. Chem.. 279:2091–2100.
Floquet N, Hery-Huynh S, Dauchez M, Derreumaux P, Tamburro AM, Alix AJP.  2004.  Structural characterization of VGVAPG, an elastin-derived peptide. Biopolymers. 76:266–280.
Floquet N, Maréchal J-D, Badet-Denisot M-A, Robert CH, Dauchez M, Perahia D.  2006.  Normal mode analysis as a prerequisite for drug design: Application to matrix metalloproteinases inhibitors. Febs Lett.. 580:5130–5136.
Fogarty AC, Duboué-Dijon E, Sterpone F, Hynes JT, Laage D.  2013.  Biomolecular hydration dynamics: a jump model perspective. Chem. Soc. Rev.. 42:5672–5683.
Forcellino F, Derreumaux P.  2001.  Computer simulations aimed at structure prediction of supersecondary motifs in proteins. Proteins-structure Function and Genetics. 45:159–166.
Francia F., Malferrari M., Sacquin-Mora S, Venturoli G..  2009.  Charge Recombination Kinetics and Protein Dynamics in Wild Type and Carotenoid-less Bacterial Reaction Centers: Studies in Trehalose Glasses. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:10389–1398.
Fu H, Cai W, Hénin J, Roux B, Chipot C.  2017.  New Coarse Variables for the Accurate Determination of Standard Binding Free Energies. J Chem Theory Comput. 13(11):5173-5178.
Fu Z, Luo Y, Derreumaux P, Wei G.  2009.  Induced beta-barrel formation of the Alzheimer's Abeta25-35 oligomers on carbon nanotube surfaces: implication for amyloid fibril inhibition.. Biophys. J.. 97:1795–1803.
Fu Z, Luo Y, Derreumaux P, Wei G.  2009.  Induced beta-Barrel Formation of the Alzheimer’s A beta 25-35 Oligomers on Carbon Nanotube Surfaces: Implication for Amyloid Fibril Inhibition. Biophys. J.. 97:1795–1803.
