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Journal Article
Nguyen PHoang, Sterpone F, Derreumaux P.  2020.  Aggregation of disease-related peptides.. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 170:435-460.
Nasica-Labouze J, Nguyen PHoang, Sterpone F, Berthoumieu O, Buchete N-V, Cote S, De Simone A, Doig AJ, Faller P, Garcia A et al..  2015.  Amyloid beta Protein and Alzheimer’s Disease: When Computer Simulations Complement Experimental Studies. Chem. Rev.. 115:3518–3563.
Lu Y, Shi X-F, Nguyen PHoang, Sterpone F, Jr FRSalsbury, Derreumaux P.  2019.  Amyloid-β (29–42) Dimeric Conformations in Membranes Rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 123:2687–2696.
Kalimeri M, Derreumaux P, Sterpone F.  2015.  Are coarse-grained models apt to detect protein thermal stability? The case of \OPEP\ force field J. Non-cryst. Solids. 407:494–501.
Fogarty AC, Duboué-Dijon E, Sterpone F, Hynes JT, Laage D.  2013.  Biomolecular hydration dynamics: a jump model perspective. Chem. Soc. Rev.. 42:5672–5683.
Chiricotto M., Tran T-T, Nguyen PHoang, Melchionna S., Sterpone F, Derreumaux P.  2016.  Coarse-grained and All-atom Simulations towards the Early and Late Steps of Amyloid Fibril Formation. Isr. J. Chem.. DOI: 10.1002/ijch.201600048.
Sterpone F, Martinazzo R., Panda A.N., Burghardt I..  2011.  Coherent Excitation Transfer Driven by Torsional Dynamics: a Model Hamiltonian for PPV Type Systems. Zeitschrift Für Physikalische Chemie. 255:541–551.
Katava M, Stirnemann G, Zanatta M, Capaccioli S, Pachetti M, Ngai KL, Sterpone F, Paciaroni A.  2017.  Critical structural fluctuations of proteins upon thermal unfolding challenge the Lindemann criterion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114:9361-9366.
Nguyen PHoang, Sterpone F, Pouplana R, Derreumaux P, Campanera JM.  2016.  Dimerization Mechanism of Alzheimer A beta(40) Peptides: The High Content of Intrapeptide-Stabilized Conformations in A2V and A2T Heterozygous Dimers Retards Amyloid Fibril Formation. J. Phys. Chem. B. 120:12111–12126.
Sterpone F, Spanu L, Ferraro L, Sorella S, Guidoni L.  2008.  Dissecting the Hydrogen Bond: A Quantum Monte Carlo Approach. J Chem Theo Comp. 4:1428–1434.
Stirnemann G, Sterpone F, Laage D.  2011.  Dynamics of water in concentrated solutions of amphiphiles: Key roles of local structure and aggregation. J. Phys. Chem. B. 115:3254–3262.
Sterpone F, Bonella S, Meloni S.  2012.  Early Stage of the Dehydrogenation of NaAlH4 by Ab Initio Rare Event Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116:19636–19643.
Kalimeri M, Rahaman O, Melchionna S, Sterpone F.  2013.  How Conformational Flexibility Stabilizes the Hyperthermophilic Elongation Factor G-Domain. J. Phys. Chem. B. 117:13775–13785.
Pizzitutti F, Marchi M, Sterpone F, Rossky PJ.  2007.  How protein surfaces induce anomalous dynamics of hydration water. J. Phys. Chem. B. 111:7584–90.
Briganti G, D'arrigo G, Maccarini M, Pierleoni C, Sterpone F.  2005.  Hydration and thermodynamic equilibrium of non-ionic surfactant in solution. Coll Surf A. 261:93–99.
Chiricotto M, Melchionna S, Derreumaux P, Sterpone F.  2016.  Hydrodynamic effects on beta-amyloid (16-22) peptide aggregation. J. Chem. Phys.. 145
Nguyen PHoang, Sterpone F, Campanera JM, Nasica-Labouze J, Derreumaux P.  2016.  Impact of the A2V Mutation on the Heterozygous and Homozygous A beta 1-40 Dimer Structures from Atomistic Simulations. Acs Chem. Neurosci.. 7:823–832.
Sterpone F, Nguyen PHoang, Kalimeri M, Derreumaux P.  2013.  Importance of the Ion-Pair Interactions in the OPEP Coarse-Grained Force Field: Parametrization and Validation. J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 9:4574–4584.
Kalimeri M, Girard E, Madern D, Sterpone F.  2014.  Interface Matters: The Stiffness Route to Stability of a Thermophilic Tetrameric Malate Dehydrogenase. Plos One. 9:e113895.
Sterpone F, Bertonati C, Briganti G, Melchionna S.  2009.  Key role of proximal water in regulating thermostable proteins. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:131–7.
Sterpone F, Ceccarelli M., Marchi M..  2003.  Linear response and electron transfer in complex biomolecules systems and Reaction Center Protein. J. Phys. Chem. B. 107:11208–11215.
