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Baaden M, Berny F., Muzet N., Troxler L., Wipff G..  2000.  Interfacial features of assisted liquid-liquid extraction of uranyl and cesium salts: a molecular dynamics investigation. ACS Symposium Series 757. :71–85.
Trellet M., Férey N, Baaden M, Bourdot P..  2016.  Interactive visual analytics of molecular data in immersive environments via a semantic definition of the content and the context. 2016 Workshop on Immersive Analytics (IA).
Dreher M., Piuzzi M., Turki A., Chavent M, Baaden M, Férey N, Limet S., Raffin B., Robert S..  2013.  Interactive Molecular Dynamics: Scaling up to Large Systems.. Procedia Comput. Sci.. 18:20–29.
Durrieu M-P, Lavery R, Baaden M.  2008.  Interactions between neuronal fusion proteins explored by molecular dynamics. Biophys. J.. 94:3436–3446.
Baaden M, Berny F, Boehme C, Muzet N, Schurhammer R, Wipff G.  2000.  Interaction of trivalent lanthanide cations with phosphoryl derivatives, amide, anisole, pyridine and triazine ligands: a quantum mechanics study. J. Alloys Compd.. 303:104–111.
Tek A, Laurent B, Férey N, Baaden M.  2010.  Interacting with Molecular Simulations using a Multimodal VR Framework. EuroVR-EVE. :1–4.
Bourassin N., Baaden M, Lojou E., Sacquin-Mora S.  2020.  Implicit Modeling of the Impact of Adsorption on Solid Surfaces for Protein Mechanics and Activity with a Coarse-Grained Representation. J Phys Chem B. 124:8516–8523.
Molza A.E, Férey N, Czjzek M, Le Rumeur E, Hubert J.F, Tek A, Laurent B, Baaden M, Delalande O..  2014.  Innovative interactive flexible docking method for multi-scale reconstruction elucidates dystrophin molecular assembly. Faraday Discuss.. 169:45–62.
