Complementarity of structure ensembles
in protein-protein binding
Raik Grünberg*,
Johan Leckner* & Michael Nilges. Institut Pasteur.
Our understanding of protein-protein interaction
is caught in a contradiction: on the one hand,experimental rates of association
suggest that, in many cases, practically every collision between two partner
proteins leads to the formation of the complex. On the other hand, we often
fail to predict the correct orientation of a protein complex because the
two free partners simply don't sufficiently fit. This discrepancy is commonly
explained by a fuzzy notion of induced fit, or by the assumption that the
bound conformations is present in the structure ensembles of the two unbound
proteins. However, both models appear to be inconsistent with our current
knowledge about the forces and time scales of recognition.
In this study, we try to incorporate the
additional dimensions of receptor and ligand variability into our picture
of the protein-protein binding process. We performed two sets of molecular
dynamics simulations for the unbound (free) structures of 17 receptor and
16 ligand proteins and applied shape-driven rigid body docking to all combinations
of representative receptor and ligand snapshots as well as the free structure.
In total, we analysed and compared 2,106,368 solutions from 4114 exhaustive
rigid body dockings between 693 conformations of 33 different proteins.
The cross-docking of ensemble snapshots increases the chances to find near
native orientations. Our results suggest that there are complementary conformations
within the free receptor and ligand ensembles, which, however are in general
not necessarily related to the bound structure. In addition, we also performed
molecular dynamics simulations on all 17 complexes and analysed the flexibility
of free and bound proteins. Our results indicate that binding may not necessarily
occur at the cost of entropy. We propose a refined model of the protein-protein
recognition process that is combining the ideas of conformer selection
and induced fit and is in better aggreement with our current understanding
of interaction forces, time scales and kinetic data.
* these authors contributed equally to
the work