===== Job submissions =====
==== Basic commands ====
Thereafter are some quick and usefull commands for job management:
While it is not mandatory to specify the [[cluster-lbt:jobs_submission#resources_request|needed hardware resources]], this is more than recommended since the default resources request is 1 hour for 1 CPU core.
* submit a job script:
$ qsub
* run a interactive session:
$ qsub -I -A
* submit a new job (scripted or interactive) no matter where you are in the current filesystem:
$ qsub -d `/shared/scripts/getWorkdir.sh` [-W depend=afterok:$PBS_JOBID]
The //getworkdir.sh// script determines the correct current directory wherever you are on the file system. This is particularly useful if you want to submit a new job from a job in progress (with //afterok// directive to be sure the current job will complete and OK before running the new one) running in the local /scratch directory or to run an interactive session directly from anyhere.
* stop/kill a job:
$ qdel
* get information about your scheduled job:
$ checkjob -vv
* graphically view the allocated resources:
$ pbstop
* get use statistics for a given date concerning your group:
$ gusage -s -h -p
* list the uses for a given date:
$ gstatement -s -h -p
**NB : ** –summarize option provide a summary
* get your remaining allocated time:
$ mybalance -h
* display in text format free resources:
$ showbf
* get the estimated start date for job execution:
$ showstart
* list the queued jobs:
$ showq
* get queue info and stats:
$ qstat -q
==== Resources request ====
Here some ways for requesting some computational resources
* a simple sequential job for 2 hours:
$ qsub -l walltime=2:00:00