Advanced usage

You can naturally compile you own software products and libraries, in :

Example: you need to install openmpi-1.6.5, with GNU compilers, on /shared:

$ mkdir -p /shared/compilers/openmpi/1.6.5/gnu
$ ./configure --prefix=/shared/compilers/openmpi/1.6.5/gnu <all needed options>
$ make && make install
If you need/wish to install it into /wordir, you just need to replace the above directory with the one you want. In this specific case, we may need to create your own modules

To do so, since the hardware, OS and installs are very different between master nodes and computing nodes, to compile your stuffs (software products, libraries, etc.), you just have to open an interactive session and use compilers and libraries of your choice (Intel compilers from Modules, GNU pre-installed compilers, etc.).