We are seeking for talented and motivated researchers to apply for three 2-years postdoc positions at the Laboratory of Theoretical Biochemistry (LBT) in the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, CNRS. There are four projects available, and an applicant must apply for one of the four projects. The projects are available in the links below. For more details, the applicants are invited to contact directly the project leaders.
- Project 1: Regulation of Mitochondrial Function/Dysfunction by Focused Ultrasound
Project leader: Dr. Phuong H. Nguyen (
- Project 2: Multiscale approaches to investigate the conformational landscape of flexible protein assemblies: Deciphering the NADPH oxidase complex
Project leaders: Dr. Sophie Sacquin-Mora ( and Dr. Antoine Taly (
- Project 3: Protein-protein interactions in the purinosome metabolon
Project leader: Dr. Fabio Sterpone (
- Project 4: Advanced scientific visualization of membrane proteins and their assemblies
Project leaders: Dr. Marc Baaden ( and Dr. Antoine Taly (
The application dates: 17/09/2021 - 17/11/2021 at 12:00 (noon) - CET
More information and instructions on how to apply can be found here: