Ion-Molecule reaction in the gas phase part VI Regioselective SN2 reaction from terpenoid diastereoisomeric diols using CI/NH 4+

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TitleIon-Molecule reaction in the gas phase part VI Regioselective SN2 reaction from terpenoid diastereoisomeric diols using CI/NH 4+
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsTabet J-C, Prévost C, Bouillot A, Bastard J, Manh DDo Khae, Tondeur Y
JournalHelv. Chim. Acta

A stereospecific and regioselective SN2 mechanism (Walden inversion) is observed during studies involving modified terpenoid epimeric diols in a high-pressure ion source using ammonia as a reagent gas.

Citation Key1986|1652