Recovering protein thermal stability using all-atom Hamiltonian replica-exchange simulations in explicit solvent

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TitleRecovering protein thermal stability using all-atom Hamiltonian replica-exchange simulations in explicit solvent
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsStirnemann G, Sterpone F
JournalJ. Chem. Theo. Comput.

The REST2 method is successfully applied to investigate the thermal stability of chignolin CLN025 and of Trp-cage. As opposed to temperature replica exchange, REST2 relies on the rescaling of the protein potential energy, which allows a smaller number of replicas. The shape of the stability curve reconstructed on the basis of the corresponding-state principle is in very good agreement with experimental data; for chignolin, the effect of mutations is also recovered.

Citation Key2015|1677