MinOmics, an Integrative and Immersive Tool for Multi-Omics Analysis.

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TitleMinOmics, an Integrative and Immersive Tool for Multi-Omics Analysis.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMaes A, Martinez X, Druart K, Laurent B, Guégan S, Marchand CH, Lemaire SD, Baaden M
JournalJ Integr Bioinform
Date Published2018 Jun 21
KeywordsAlgal Proteins, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Computer Graphics, Imaging, Three-Dimensional, Models, Structural, Oxidation-Reduction, Protein Conformation, Protein Interaction Maps, Protein Processing, Post-Translational, Proteome, Proteomics, Software, Virtual Reality

Proteomic and transcriptomic technologies resulted in massive biological datasets, their interpretation requiring sophisticated computational strategies. Efficient and intuitive real-time analysis remains challenging. We use proteomic data on 1417 proteins of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to investigate physicochemical parameters governing selectivity of three cysteine-based redox post translational modifications (PTM): glutathionylation (SSG), nitrosylation (SNO) and disulphide bonds (SS) reduced by thioredoxins. We aim to understand underlying molecular mechanisms and structural determinants through integration of redox proteome data from gene- to structural level. Our interactive visual analytics approach on an 8.3 m2 display wall of 25 MPixel resolution features stereoscopic three dimensions (3D) representation performed by UnityMol WebGL. Virtual reality headsets complement the range of usage configurations for fully immersive tasks. Our experiments confirm that fast access to a rich cross-linked database is necessary for immersive analysis of structural data. We emphasize the possibility to display complex data structures and relationships in 3D, intrinsic to molecular structure visualization, but less common for omics-network analysis. Our setup is powered by MinOmics, an integrated analysis pipeline and visualization framework dedicated to multi-omics analysis. MinOmics integrates data from various sources into a materialized physical repository. We evaluate its performance, a design criterion for the framework.

Alternate JournalJ Integr Bioinform
Citation Key2018|2091
PubMed ID29927748
PubMed Central IDPMC6167043