Les Atomes (formerly IBPChante) - a cappella choir at IBPC

IBPChante is now Les Atomes!

Find us on Facebook and on Instagram.

What is Les Atomes?

Les Atomes is a mixed, a cappella choir of about 20 people. It was founded in 2018 under the name IBPChante.

What's the point?

The point of the choir is to explore the fact that singing together is both magical and quite accessible. The choir attracts friendly and enthusiastic people who are a pleasure to work with.

Who can sing with you?

Les Atomes is open to any enthusiast chorister in the Paris area!

What is the repertoire?

We sing a wide variety of mostly 3 and 4-part music, from Renaissance classics to a cappella jazz and pop music arrangements.

When and where do you practice?

We practice weekly throughout the academic year, on Wednesday from 5:30pm to 7:15pm. The sessions were in the beautiful library at IBPC before the pandemic. For now, we practiice outside, under the arch of the IBPC building, which offers a nice protection against the elements and decent acoustics.

Sounds great! How do I join?

Contact the director, Jérôme Hénin (jerome.henin at cnrs dot fr) or contact us on Facebook or on Instagram.