Sophie Sacquin-Mora

Sophie Sacquin-Mora,,
Directrice de Recherche DR2 CNRS, HDR

Google Scholar profile
Tel: +33 1-58-41-51-66
Fax: +33 1-58-41-50-20
Office: 310


Recent news

Inside you'll find 30 new protein stories related to animals (like capybaras, platypus, lamas and others) and also a few chapters about viruses

It's a popularization book about proteins (what else ?).

So if you work on proteins and your friends and family still do not understant what you do, this might be the perfect Christmas gift for them (just saying...)

  • From sept. 2020 till july 2021 I'm a guest researcher in the biomolecular modelling group of Pr. Maria Andra Mroginski at the Technical University Berlin (but you can still contact me using my french email).
  • Since Jan. 2019 I'm writing in Top of the Prots, a popularization blog (in french) that will tell you everything you ever wanted to know (but were afraid to ask) about proteins:

  • April 2019: I gave a talk about computational biology for the CECAM 50th anniversary, the slides are available for download here.


Research interests:

  • Redox enzymes on functionalized surfaces

October 2022: I'm coorganizing a CECAM workshop on immobilized proteins and peptides.

May 2019: I'm co-organizing a CECAM workshop on biomolecules/solid surfaces interactions.

  • Functional role of disordered segments in proteins

November 2022: I'm co-organizing a Workshop on "ML and AI in structural biology: Looking beyond AlphaFold2/RosettaFold for remaining blindspots", that will take place in Paris. More information can be found here.

October 2017: I'm co-organizing a CECAM workshop on disordered protein segments.

March 2017: Our work on tubulin and the NFL-TBS.40-63 peptide was highlighted by the GENCI during the "Semaine du cerveau" (brain week) (website in french)

  • Proteins mechanical properties on the residue scale, using a coarse-grain representation, relationship between the structure and the biological activity (ProPHet program)

Oct. 2016: ProPHET is now available as an online webserver on the MOBYLE platform, give it a try !

  • Protein-protein interactions, identification of interaction partners via cross-docking simulations (MAXDo program), dynamics of protein interfaces

March 2018: Binding site predictions on the SubHCMD Protein Benchmark resulting from cross-docking simulations can be downloaded as an archive here.

May 2013: You will find extensive information regarding cross-docking of the Mintseris Protein benchmark on the following page.


Publication list


You can also download a short, updated (July 2024), version of my CV


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