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Mazur AK.  2009.  Modeling DNA dynamics under steady deforming forces and torques. J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 5:2149–2157.
Mazur AK.  2013.  Comment on ``Length Scale Dependence of DNA Mechanical Properties''. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 111
Mazur AK, Kamashev DE.  2002.  Comparative bending dynamics in DNA with and without regularly repeated adenine tracts. Phys. Rev. E. 66:011917.
Mazur AK, Abagyan RA.  1989.  New methodology for computer-aided modelling of biomolecular structure and dynamics: 1. Non-cyclic structures. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn.. 6:815–832.
Mazur AK, Shepelyansky DL.  2015.  Algebraic Statistics of Poincaré Recurrences in a DNA Molecule.. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 115:188104.
Mazur AK.  2002.  DNA dynamics in a water drop without counterions. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 124:14707–14715.
Mazur AK.  1999.  Internal correlations in minor groove profiles of experimental and computed B-DNA conformations. J. Mol. Biol.. 290:373–377.
Mazur AK.  1984.  Mathematical models of depolymerization of amylose by alpha-amylases. Biopolymers. 23:1735–1756.
Mazur AK.  1991.  A probabilistic view on steady state enzyme kinetics. J. Theor. Biol.. 148:229–242.
Mazur AK, Maaloum M.  2014.  DNA flexibility on short length scales probed by atomic force microscopy. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 112:068104.
Mazur AK.  2013.  Comment on ’Length scale dependence of DNA mechanical properties’. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 111:179801.
Mazur AK.  2005.  Electrostatic polymer condensation and the A/B polymorphism in DNA: Sequence effects. J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 1:325–336.
Mazur AK.  2006.  Evaluation of elastic properties of atomistic DNA models. Biophys. J.. 91:4507–4518.
Mazur AK, Maaloum M.  2014.  Atomic force microscopy study of DNA flexibility on short length scales: Smooth bending versus kinking. Nucleic. Acids. Res.. 42:14006–14012.
Mazur AK, Nazarova N.I, Elyakova L.A.  1985.  Oligomer distribution of depolymerase digests: Comparison of theory and experiments. Febs Lett.. 192:43–46.
Mazur AK, Elyakova L.A.  1983.  Kinetics of glucose accumulation during depolimerization of polysaccharides by enzymes with different mechanisms of action. Mol. Biol.. 17:101–111.
Mazur AK.  2000.  Theoretical studies of the possible origin of intrinsic static bends in double helical DNA. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 122:12778–12785.
Mazur AK.  1997.  Common molecular dynamics algorithms revisited: Accuracy and optimal time steps of St\H ormer-leapfrog integrators. J. Comput. Phys.. 136:354–365.
Mazur AK, Petukhov M.G, Elyakova L.A.  1988.  Model of spatial random movement of depolymerase when interacting with the substrate. Biophysics. 23:417–421.
Mazur AK, Kuchinski A.V.  1992.  Schematic methods for probabilistic enzyme kinetics. J. Theor. Biol.. 155:387–407.
Mazur AK.  2010.  Anharmonic torsional stiffness of DNA revealed under small external torques. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 105:018102.
Mazur AK.  2016.  Homologous Pairing between Long DNA Double Helices. Phys. Rev. Lett.. 116:158101.
Mazur AK.  1999.  Symplectic integration of closed chain rigid body dynamics with internal coordinate equations of motion. J. Chem. Phys.. 111:1407–1414.
Mazur AK.  2009.  Kinetic and thermodynamic DNA elasticity at micro- and mesoscopic scales. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:2077–2089.
Mazur AK, Abagyan R.A, Elyakov G.B.  1989.  A new approach to the modelling of the structure and dynamics of biomacromolecules and their complexes. Doklady. Biophysics. 304:456–460.
