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Sterpone F, Stirnemann G, Laage D.  2012.  Magnitude and molecular origin of water slowdown next to a protein. J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 134:4116–4119.
Sterpone F, Derreumaux P, Melchionna S.  2015.  Protein Simulations in Fluids: Coupling the OPEP Coarse-Grained Force Field with Hydrodynamics. J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 11:1843–1853.
Sterpone F, Bertonati C, Briganti G, Melchionna S.  2010.  Water around thermophilic proteins: the role of charged and apolar atoms. J Phys: Cond Matt. 22:284113.
Sterpone F, Ceccarelli M., Marchi M..  2003.  Linear response and electron transfer in complex biomolecules systems and Reaction Center Protein. J. Phys. Chem. B. 107:11208–11215.
Sterpone F, Melchionna S.  2011.  Role of packing, hydration and fluctuation on Thermostability. Thermostable Proteins Structural Stability and Design.
Sterpone F, Spanu L., Ferraro L., Sorella S., Guidoni L..  2008.  Water-water hydrogen bond studied by QMC. J. Chem. Theory. Comput.. 4:1428–1432.
Sterpone F, Martinazzo R., Panda A.N., Burghardt I..  2011.  Coherent Excitation Transfer Driven by Torsional Dynamics: a Model Hamiltonian for PPV Type Systems. Zeitschrift Für Physikalische Chemie. 255:541–551.
Sterpone F, Derreumaux P, Melchionna S.  2016.  Toward Microscopic Simulations of Proteins in Cell-Like Environments. Biophys. J.. 110:386A.
Sterpone F, Pierleoni C., Briganti G., Marchi M..  2004.  Temperature dehydration of C12E6 micelle. Langmuir. 20:4311–4314.