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Man VHoang, He X, Derreumaux P, Ji B, Xie X-Q, Nguyen PHoang, Wang J.  2019.  Effects of all-atom molecular mechanics force fields on amyloid peptide assembly: the case of aβ16–22 dimer. Journal of chemical theory and computation. 15:1440–1452.
Nguyen PHoang, Derreumaux P, Stock G.  2009.  Energy Flow and Long-Range Correlations in Guanine-Binding Riboswitch: A Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Phys. Chem. B. 113:9340–9347.
Mu YG, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G.  2005.  Energy landscape of a small peptide revealed by dihedral angle principal component analysis. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf.. 58:45–52.
Botan V, Backus EHG, Pfister R, Moretto A, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Nguyen PHoang, Stock G, Hamm P.  2007.  Energy transport in peptide helices. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.s.a.. 104:12749–12754.
Backus EHG, Nguyen PHoang, Botan V, Pfister R, Moretto A, Crisma M, Toniolo C, Stock G, Hamm P.  2008.  Energy transport in peptide helices: A comparison between high- and low-energy excitations. J. Phys. Chem. B. 112:9091–9099.
Nguyen PHoang.  2009.  Estimating configurational entropy of complex molecules: A novel variable transformation approach. Chem. Phys. Lett.. 468:90–93.
Stock G., Jain A., Riccardi L., Nguyen PHoang.  2011.  Exploring the energy landscape of small peptides and proteins by molecular dynamics simulations.
