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Journal Article
Sutherland GA, Grayson KJ, Adams NBP, Mermans DMJ, Jones AS, Robertson AJ, Auman DB, Brindley AA, Sterpone F, Tuffery P et al..  2018.  Probing the quality control mechanism of the twin-arginine translocase with folding variants of a -designed heme protein.. J Biol Chem. 293(18):6672-6681.
Lamiable A, Thevenet P, Rey J, Vavrusa M, Derreumaux P, Tuffery P.  2016.  PEP-FOLD3: faster denovo structure prediction for linear peptides in solution and in complex. Nucleic Acids Res.. 44:W449-W454.
Thevenet P, Shen Y, Maupetit J, Guyon F, Derreumaux P, Tuffery P.  2012.  PEP-FOLD: an updated de novo structure prediction server for both linear and disulfide bonded cyclic peptides. Nucleic Acids Res.. 40:W288-W293.
Maupetit J, Derreumaux P, Tuffery P.  2009.  PEP-FOLD: an online resource for de novo peptide structure prediction. Nucleic Acids Res.. 37:W498-W503.
Maupetit J, Derreumaux P, Tuffery P.  2009.  PEP-FOLD: an online resource for de novo peptide structure prediction.. Nucleic Acids Res.. 37:W498–W503.
Sterpone F., Melchionna S., Tuffery P, Pasquali S., Mousseau N., Cragnolini T., Chebaro Y, St-Pierre J.-F., Kalimeri M., Barducci A. et al..  2014.  The OPEP protein model: from single molecules, amyloid formation, crowding and hydrodynamics to DNA/RNA systems. Chem. Soc. Rev.. 43:4871–4893.
Lima CRibeiro, Carels N, Guimaraes ACarolina R, Tuffery P, Derreumaux P.  2016.  In silico structural characterization of protein targets for drug development against Trypanosoma cruzi. J. Mol. Model.. 22
Shen Y, Maupetit J, Derreumaux P, Tuffery P.  2014.  Improved PEP-FOLD Approach for Peptide and Miniprotein Structure Prediction. J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 10:4745–4758.
Tuffery P, Guyon F, Derreumaux P.  2005.  Improved greedy algorithm for protein structure reconstruction. J. Comput. Chem.. 26:506–513.
Tuffery P, Derreumaux P.  2012.  Flexibility and binding affinity in protein-ligand, protein-protein and multi-component protein interactions: limitations of current computational approaches. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 9:20–33.
Maupetit J, Derreumaux P, Tuffery P.  2010.  A Fast Method for Large-Scale De Novo Peptide and Miniprotein Structure Prediction. J. Comput. Chem.. 31:726–738.
Maupetit J, Derreumaux P, Tuffery P.  2009.  A fast method for large-scale De Novo peptide and miniprotein structure prediction.. J. Comput. Chem..
Tuffery P, Derreumaux P.  2005.  Dependency between consecutive local conformations helps assemble protein structures from secondary structures using Go potential and greedy algorithm. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf.. 61:732–740.
Thevenet P., Shen Y., Maupetit J., Guyon F., Padilla A., Derreumaux P, Tuffery P.  2012.  Delivering the native structures of peptides from computer simulations and predicted NMR proton chemical shifts. J. Pept. Sci.. 18:S38.
Catharina L, Lima CRibeiro, Franca A, Guimarães ACarolina R, Alves-Ferreira M, Tuffery P, Derreumaux P, Carels N.  2017.  A Computational Methodology to Overcome the Challenges Associated With the Search for Specific Enzyme Targets to Develop Drugs Against.. Bioinform Biol Insights. 11:1177932217712471.
Maupetit J, Tuffery P, Derreumaux P.  2007.  A coarse-grained protein force field for folding and structure prediction. Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf.. 69:394–408.