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Baaden M, Barboiu M, Borthakur MPratim, Chen C-L, Coalson R, Davis J, Freger V, Gong B, Hélix-Nielsen C, Hickey R et al..  2018.  Applications to water transport systems: general discussion.. Faraday Discuss. 209:389-414.
Baaden M, Barboiu M, Bill RM, Chen C-L, Davis J, Di Vincenzo M, Freger V, Fröba M, Gale PA, Gong B et al..  2018.  Biomimetic water channels: general discussion.. Faraday Discuss. 209:205-229.
Delalande O, Molza A-E, Morais RDos Santos, Chéron A, Pollet É, Raguenes-Nicol C, Tascon C, Giudice E, Guilbaud M, Nicolas A et al..  2018.  Dystrophin's central domain forms a complex filament that becomes disorganized by in-frame deletions.. J Biol Chem. 293(18):6637-6646.
Delalande O, Molza A-E, Morais RDos Santos, Chéron A, Pollet É, Raguenes-Nicol C, Tascon C, Giudice E, Guilbaud M, Nicolas A et al..  2018.  Dystrophin's central domain forms a complex filament that becomes disorganized by in-frame deletions.. J Biol Chem. 293(18):6637-6646.
Delalande O, Molza A-E, Morais RDos Santos, Chéron A, Pollet É, Raguenes-Nicol C, Tascon C, Giudice E, Guilbaud M, Nicolas A et al..  2018.  Dystrophin's central domain forms a complex filament that becomes disorganized by in-frame deletions.. J Biol Chem. 293(18):6637-6646.
Perales-Calvo J, Giganti D, Stirnemann G, Garcia-Manyes S.  2018.  The force-dependent mechanism of DnaK-mediated mechanical folding. Sci Adv. 4:eaaq0243.
Abdollahi N, Albani A, Anthony E, Baud A, Cardon M, Clerc R, Czernecki D, Conte R, David L, Delaune A et al..  2018.  Meet-U: Educating through research immersion. PLOS Computational Biology. 14:1-10.
Abdollahi N, Albani A, Anthony E, Baud A, Cardon M, Clerc R, Czernecki D, Conte R, David L, Delaune A et al..  2018.  Meet-U: Educating through research immersion. PLOS Computational Biology. 14:1-10.
Abdollahi N, Albani A, Anthony E, Baud A, Cardon M, Clerc R, Czernecki D, Conte R, David L, Delaune A et al..  2018.  Meet-U: Educating through research immersion. PLOS Computational Biology. 14:1-10.
Abdollahi N, Albani A, Anthony E, Baud A, Cardon M, Clerc R, Czernecki D, Conte R, David L, Delaune A et al..  2018.  Meet-U: Educating through research immersion. PLOS Computational Biology. 14:1-10.
Abdollahi N, Albani A, Anthony E, Baud A, Cardon M, Clerc R, Czernecki D, Conte R, David L, Delaune A et al..  2018.  Meet-U: Educating through research immersion. PLOS Computational Biology. 14:1-10.
Kocsis I, Sorci M, Vanselous H, Murail S, Sanders SE, Licsandru E, Legrand Y-M, van der Lee A, Baaden M, Petersen PB et al..  2018.  Oriented chiral water wires in artificial transmembrane channels.. Sci Adv. 4(3):eaao5603.
Kim R, Kanamaru S, Mikawa T, Prévost C, Ishii K, Ito K, Uchiyama S, Oda M, Iwasaki H, Kim SK et al..  2018.  RecA requires two molecules of Mg2+ ions for its optimal strand exchange activity in vitro. Nucleic Acids Res. ahead of print
Baaden M, Barboiu M, Bill RM, Casanova S, Chen C-L, Conner M, Freger V, Gong B, Góra A, Hinds B et al..  2018.  Structure and function of natural proteins for water transport: general discussion.. Faraday Discuss. 209:83-95.
Baaden M, Delalande O, Férey N, Pasquali S, Waldispühl J, Taly A.  2018.  Ten simple rules to create a serious game, illustrated with examples from structural biology.
Danilowicz C, Hermans L, Coljee V, Prévost C, Prentiss M.  2017.  ATP hydrolysis provides functions that promote rejection of pairings between different copies of long repeated sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 45:8448-8462.
Danilowicz C, Hermans L, Coljee V, Prévost C, Prentiss M.  2017.  ATP hydrolysis provides functions that promote rejection of pairings between different copies of long repeated sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 45:8448-8462.
Rahaman O., Kalimeri M., Katava M., Paciaroni A., Sterpone F..  2017.  Configurational Disorder of Water Hydrogen Bond Network at the Protein Dynamical Transition. J. Phys. Chem. B. 121:6792−6798.
Katava M, Stirnemann G, Zanatta M, Capaccioli S, Pachetti M, Ngai KL, Sterpone F, Paciaroni A.  2017.  Critical structural fluctuations of proteins upon thermal unfolding challenge the Lindemann criterion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114:9361-9366.
Katava M, Stirnemann G, Zanatta M, Capaccioli S, Pachetti M, Ngai KL, Sterpone F, Paciaroni A.  2017.  Critical structural fluctuations of proteins upon thermal unfolding challenge the Lindemann criterion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114:9361-9366.
Colloc'h N., Sacquin-Mora S, Avella G., Dhaussy A.C, Prange T., Vallone B., Girard E..  2017.  Determinants of neuroglobin plasticity highlighted by joint coarse-grained simulations and high pressure crystallography. Sci Rep. 7:1858.
da Silva FLuis Barro, Derreumaux P, Pasquali S.  2017.  Fast coarse-grained model for RNA titration.. J Chem Phys. 146(3):035101.
Laurin Y, Eyer J, Robert CH, Prévost C, Sacquin-Mora S.  2017.  Mobility and core-protein binding patterns of disordered C-terminal tails in β-tubulin isotypes.. Biochemistry. 56(12):1746–1756.
