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Man VHoang, Li MSuan, Derreumaux P, Nguyen PHoang.  2018.  Rayleigh-Plesset equation of the bubble stable cavitation in water: A nonequilibrium all-atom molecular dynamics simulation study. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 148:094505.
Man VHoang, Li MSuan, Wang J, Derreumaux P, Nguyen PHoang.  2019.  Interaction mechanism between the focused ultrasound and lipid membrane at the molecular level. The Journal of chemical physics. 150:215101.
Man VHoang, Nguyen PHoang, Derreumaux P.  2017.  Conformational Ensembles of the Wild-Type and S8C Aβ1-42 Dimers.. J Phys Chem B. 121(11):2434-2442.
Man VHoang, Li MSuan, Wang J, Derreumaux P, Nguyen PHoang.  2019.  Nonequilibrium atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of tubular nanomotor propelled by bubble propulsion. The Journal of chemical physics. 151:024103.
Man VHoang, Nguyen PHoang, Derreumaux P.  2017.  High-Resolution Structures of the Amyloid-β 1-42 Dimers from the Comparison of Four Atomistic Force Fields.. J Phys Chem B. 121(24):5977-5987.
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